[Sécurité] How to scan an API with Zap – Api Scan ?

It is possible to perform scans against APIs with OWASP Zep Attack Proxy (ZAP).

More precisely, we will use Zap API – Scan.

First we need to install the Zap Dockers images.

docker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable

To scan the API we need :

docker run -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-stable zap-api-scan.py -z "-config replacer.full_list(0).description=auth1 \
-config replacer.full_list(0).enabled=true \
-config replacer.full_list(0).matchtype=REQ_HEADER \
-config replacer.full_list(0).matchstr=Authorization \
-config replacer.full_list(0).regex=false \
-config replacer.full_list(0).replacement=Bearer 123456MYBEARER" -t https://my-api.com/doc/swagger.json -f openapi -r report.html -a

We have to add $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw to get the report.html.

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